Our Office has a twenty year long experience on legal management of cases of planning and environmental issues, and issues of legal investment safety of various kinds (tourism, real estate, industry, energy, infrastructure projects, etc.). Having developed an integrated legal and technical approach it has been involved with most major town and country planning and environmental and legal investment safety cases in Greece.
In addition it offers its experience for many years on legal consulting on those specialist issues to public and Public and Private Entities (Prefectures, Municipalities, Public Sector entities, National Parks Authorities, Non-Governmental Organisations, Private Enterprises etc.) and Private Parties.
Our specialized expertise and attitude that we have developed on the significance and function of planning, developmental and environmental law allow us to represent our clients with consistency and effectiveness.
Similarly, our participation in studies of an environmental, planning (regional and urban) and developmental character, combined with the intense specialization of our offices’ partners, guarantees the valid from a legal point of view preparation of such studies.
Finally, our comprehensive understanding of the legislative policy to be followed in the aforementioned areas of our work enables us to propose innovative, well-founded and sustainable solutions to complex problems of particular and general interest.